Being at home in the Mekong Delta (located south of Vietnam) and in the low-lying Beemster Polder (located north of Amsterdam), Arjen is a Dutch-Vietnamese designer and multi-disciplinary creative. Dedicated and socially committed.
Member of Association of Dutch Designers (BNO).
Identity development begins with the definition of your DNA and the formulation of a mission statement for your organization. During projects we will work closely together to find your true nature and translate this into a holistic visual language. The final result will be cohesive, effective and meaningful.
If you have a project in mind, get in touch!
Graduated at Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam. And more than 20 years of experience in art direction and communication design on a wide range of (international) clients: ING Bank, Heineken, Hyundai, KLM, Dove, BP, Ministry of Education Culture and Science, Wanadoo / France Télécom, Het Parool, Anna van Toor, OneWorld NL, ROC van Amsterdam, Leprastichting, WijkAlliantie / Ministry of VROM, Stichting De Kandidatenmarkt, Lecturis Publishers, Adfo Books, Haags Historisch Museum, Theateropleiding Selma Susanna, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Parodontologie (NVvP), Philanthropy Connections Foundation, War Child NL, Paris by Bike, Federatie Creatieve Industrie, Creative Holland / CreativeNL, Betje Wolff Museum, Visit Beemster, Keyserkerk Beemster, Techlands Zaanstad, Riboet Verhalenkunst / Indisch Herinneringscentrum / Amsterdam Museum, Stichting Designlink / G100, European Federation for Creative Economy (Creative FED), Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Kingdom of the Netherlands in Vietnam, Diplomat Magazine, Nederlandse School Saigon, Dutch Business Association Vietnam (DBAV), Wageningen University & Research
Identity Campaigns
Graphic Design
Art Direction
Exhibition Design
Creative Production